
‘Future Teachers Western Balkans’ training workshop in Durres

For over 2 years now, 12 university faculties from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia have been participating in the Preparing Future Teachers in the Western Balkans project initiated by the European Wergeland Centre (EWC)

Lecturers and staff actively involved in teacher training at higher education institutions and universities were selected to join the regional network to develop, test and disseminate new teacher education modules supporting practice-oriented teaching promoting citizenship, democracy and human rights over the years to come. The network is a tool to strengthen regional cooperation for democratic developments in education and to address common challenges, and will serve as a platform for mutual learning and the exchange of experiences with a transformation of teacher education and education reforms. 

During the workshop in Durres, Albania held between November 24 – 27, the lecturers and the team of trainers (Bojka Djukanović, Montenegro; Astrit Dautaj, Albania; Petrit Tahiri, Kosovo*; Rolf Gollob, Switzerland) supported by Marianne Haugh (Oslo) and Bojana Dujković (Banja Luka) from the EWC conducted an intense review of all the developments of the last two years implementing the materials from and the RFCDC by the Council of Europe together with all the participants.

*All references to Kosovo in this text, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.