

The Corona pandemic and its effects on democratic coexistence represent a huge challenge. A personal one, because the consequences are felt by each and every one of us, but also a social one. What is right, what is wrong? These questions move people all over the world. But there are no simple, ready-made answers to highly complex problems like these: we have to talk to each other and shine light on all the shades between white and black. This is precisely the core of our democracy – a tremendously valuable asset.

The health crisis, closely linked to the environmental crisis, must not become a crisis of democracy. Democracy needs debate – it needs us, all of us, no matter what age. And good debates need critical discussion on an informed basis. Only in this way can we effectively shape our democratic society, and it is especially true for young people. Children and young people are particularly hard hit by the measures against the spread of the pandemic. They, like us, have a great need for discussion. We should and must take this seriously. At the kitchen table as well as in the classroom.

Times of crisis like these make it clear how immensely important good education is. “Good” means: an education that meets the challenges, an education for sustainable development and democratic coexistence. An education that equips young people with the competences and skills they need not only to find their way in an increasingly complex world in crisis mode, but that also enables them to actively shape the common future in terms of ecological, just and democratic coexistence. came into being before this pandemic. But it was developed precisely for such moments. For moments of great challenge. It offers teachers, headteachers and parents the opportunity to reflect with children and young people on the dangers – but also the opportunities – that the crisis brings. Whether in the classroom or at home in distance learning, the digital educational material can be used in all learning situations and provides thematic and methodological suggestions. It enables young people to share their experiences and emotions during the pandemic, to discuss risks and positive side effects for democracy and social coexistence, to reflect on their own understanding of democracy and to deal with the possibility of shaping the future in an action-oriented way.

Matching link to materials on the Living Democracy website: