
Situation in Ukraine

We have all been deeply shocked by the situation in Ukraine. This country made a decision to follow the path of democracy and to align its state structure, everyday life and schools accordingly. What is happening right now puts all that in danger.

For some years now, the Ministry of Education in Kyiv has been running the project ‚The New Ukrainian School‘, which deals specifically with questions of pupil-oriented and democratic teaching. It is tragic that all this is being called into question. Here is a brief information about the new school and the new approach: “The New Ukrainian School is a key reform of the Ministry of Education and Science. The main objective is to create a school that will be pleasant to go to and will provide the students not only with knowledge, as is the case now, but also with the ability to apply it in real life.

The New Ukrainian School is a kind of school which is pleasant for students to be in. Their opinion is respected here, they are taught to think critically, not to be afraid of voicing their view and be responsible citizens. Parents also like attending this school because cooperation and mutual understanding prevail here.”

But we also want to offer support to children from Ukraine who have been forced to flee to live in another country, but at the same time do not want to lose contact with their education. With the support of PH Zurich and the team in Ukraine, the Ministry of Education has provided a website with a huge wealth of educational content and videos for students in grades 5 – 11. The link to this website is

Here is a video in Ukrainian on how to register on the platform:

The entire site is easy to use – teachers can register in a specific area and receive access to special teaching materials for teachers. Students choose their grade and register on the right course.

Learning must remain possible for ever and for everyone. It is one of the most important children’s rights!
