
Newsletter July 2021

Dear Reader,

The third newsletter once again deals with the Covid situation in one of the articles. How have parents reacted? How did they cope during the close proximity that home schooling forced upon them? A reference to the parents’ page of the Washington Post is interesting for this and other topics!

Our colleague, Svetlana Lazić from Serbia, sent us a great experience report. She implemented the materials from at the teacher training university where she works. Her students and future pre-school teachers, have discovered these parenting materials for themselves and their professional work and their response has been very positive. Thank you, Svetlana!

In the third article, Ted Huddleston presents the third volume on working with controversies in schools. He co-authored this important volume for the Council of Europe and will hopefully soon be able to present it to all of us in person. Ted has worked with Rolf Gollob for over 20 years and is a close friend of ours at the Zurich University of Teacher Education.

That’s all for now. We wish you a wonderful and relaxing summer.