Getting stakeholders involved in school governance
In a democratic school community, it is important that all stakeholders have the opportunity to participate. They should be involved in communication, networking, communication and decision-making. By involving the local community, your school demonstrates that it does not wish to seclude itself, but rather play and active part in society.
The school mission statement – a whole school project
Many educational institutions and schools, but also business enterprises and government institutions use mission statements. A school mission statement is something like a business card for external partners, and a point of reference for daily work in school, a reminder for the school community of its shared vision and guideline.
Decision-making in democratic school leadership
If no one knows the master solution to a given problem, the members of the school community have to find one together. By adopting a whole- school approach, all members of the school community can contribute their expertise and advocate for their points of view and their interests.
Democratic school leadership in practice: decision-making on school rules
Before a discussion on school rules takes place and decisions are made, it is essential that all stakeholders know their rights of participation. Either by law or through an agreement by your school community, you need to have school rules in place for participation – preferably in form of a permanent framework.