
февруари 20, 2023

Despite covid: successful democracy events in North Macedonia

Considering the pandemic and the lack of face-to-face communication in 2021, the biggest challenge in 2022 was to organise the campaign to raise awareness of the website in Northern Macedonia again in direct contact with users. Despite the immense difficulties, different types of events were organised, namely trainings, conferences and direct teaching in schools. …

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Multipliers in Montenegro guarantee the success of

As our colleagues from Montenegro Vidosava Kašćelan and Ana Ivanović report, the website is indisputably very useful for all those involved in the teaching process. The materials can be used in all subjects, are cross-curricular, can be perfectly aligned with the existing curriculum and can be used in both formal and non-formal and informal education. …

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декември 5, 2022

Commitment towards democratic teaching and community cooperation: an individual case – “Faik Konica” Elementary School, Pristina, Kosovo

“Faik Konica” elementary middle school (9 years) is one of Pristina’s schools that conveyed an interest in raising quality as well as being more up-front and democratic. This is the constant concern of its leaders, teachers, students and parents….

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Living Democracy treasure hunt in Novi Sad, Serbia

Digital competence is one of 8 key competences in the European Commission’s Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (2019) document. Followed by multilingual competence, literacy competence, citizenship competence and all the others, each person becomes aware that each competence is intricately connected to all others, being a premise for some and a consequence of others….

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Living Democracy Campaign in North Macedonia

Two of our Living Democracy Campaign team members from North Macedonia, Natalija Aceska (Advisor at the Bureau for Development of Education) and Ivanka Mijikj (Advisor at the Bureau for Development of Education), promoted the website as part of the two-day Civics in Practice: From Classroom to Action conference supported by the USAID Youth Ethnic Integration Project on August 23-24 2022….

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ноември 8, 2022

EDISON Coordination meeting in Zurich

The EDISON project (“Living Democracy Advocacy Campaign – Experience Democracy in Schools now”) launched two years ago with partners from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. …

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Exploring and using the website

The “Media and information literacy” project was implemented in Albania 2021-2022. 10 curriculum specialists from the Agency for Quality Assurance took part; they are responsible for the curricula for all subjects participated in this project as trainees, trainers, mentors and observers….

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What about digital rights?

We live in a digital era, and digital rights – closely linked to freedom of expression and privacy – are those that allow people to access, use, create and publish digital media, as well as access and use computers, other electronic devices and communications networks….

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септември 7, 2022

PROFESSIONS WITHOUT GENDER STEREOTYPES symposium and promotion of Living Democracy web material

In 2021, the Government of the Republic of Serbia proclaimed 11 June as the National Day of Gender Equality, and this year (2022) was the first time such a significant day was celebrated in the national calendar….

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Lessons in democracy from a sports facility

I experienced an unexpected ‘democracy lesson’ facilitated by Claude Jonkmans, a young Canadian-Swiss woman living and working in Greece, while visiting a sport facility to organise summer activities for unaccompanied minors in Athens. This is how the idea of interviewing her for our newsletter came about. Enjoy! …

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