
јули 30, 2021

Workshop on gender issues for educators working in shelters with unaccompanied minors.

Working with the living democracy website is a journey full of wonders and surprises – full of new paths to explore and treasures…

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Portfolio to reflect the Culture of Democracy

«We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience» wrote the American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey…

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јули 1, 2021

Handling ‘Hot Topics’ in School

Talking is central to democracy. It is the only way to reach decisions that are acceptable to everybody. This is why providing…

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How pre school trainee teachers understood the chapter on the eating habits of toddlers

The Serbian team member of the living-democracy advocacy campaign, Svetlana Lazic, describes in her report how her students responded to the website…

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Parenting during the crisis: what they want to keep!

Nothing about the past year has been easy for parents. They have lost loved ones and jobs. They have been cut off…

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јуни 29, 2021


In 2007, the United Nations General Assembly decided to observe 15 September annually as International Democracy Day. Democracy cannot be taken for…

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мај 20, 2018

The Movie-Making After School Club Workshop in Novi Sad, Serbia

The Movie-Making After School Club Workshop was started three years ago and since then a number of students have learnt the basics…

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октомври 20, 2016

Training for educators HRE [Serbia]

Youth organization Sombor Education Centre organized the National Training for trainers and educators on human rights “EduClash: Be Human, Know Your Rights”…

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јули 15, 2013


Living Democracy is not just a school subject. It is a way of empowering people – students, teachers, parents, l head teachers, neighborhoods, local com¬munities, and, ultimately, the population as a whole….

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