- Planning healthier eating patterns
When promoting healthier eating patterns in my school, as the school leader, I have to decide: Will I impose the best (healthiest) solution? Will I seek a consensus (full of compromise)?...
- Whole school approach versus classroom practice
When we ask: “What is a school”, the answer depends on the point of view. While some might talk about the teacher and what happens in the classroom, others refer to the school community, the school as an important element of society, or simply what occurs during recess....
- From the local source into my school!
Make sure in your school local, seasonal products are available....
- Participation – Checklist: How to bring everybody in the project
When a lot of people are part already of the thinking process and of preparation time, then also a lot of people feel ownership....
- Survey in my school: Who knows what about nutrition
Making use of all different skills and knowledge people in and close to my school have....
- Health and fun fair! "Some tips on how to organize a healthy food festival in your school"
A great way to help the students create a healthy relationship with food is by including them in planning a food fair or a food festival....