Reflect on the involvement of teachers, the principal and the community

Living Democracy » Principals » PARTICIPATION » Preparation » Reflect on the involvement of teachers, the principal and the community

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At our school there are institutionalized time slots for teachers to regularly work together (e.g.: teacher working groups).
We follow common values and visions in our work at school.
There is a high level of trust between the school staff.
Note: If you are a teacher please refer to your own practice or experience!
Teachers use the teaching material on EDC/HRE from the Council of Europe provided on this website.
Teachers have a lot of leeway to decide for themselves what to do.
Teachers share their knowledge, experience and best practice with each other.
Teachers make significant efforts to adequately teach (culturally, cognitively, physically etc.) disadvantaged pupils.
Teachers are eager to adapt their teaching to the needs of the pupils.
Teachers are in constant dialogue with each other.
Teachers share information, ideas, experiences, knowledge, teaching material or best practices with each other.
Teachers observe each others’ lessons and give feedback to each other.
Teachers work together with their colleagues to prepare lessons or try new ideas.
Teachers agree on teaching content, tests or evaluation criteria.
Our school cooperates with the wider community to offer additional services.
Our school cooperates with the wider community to adapt its programs specifically to the needs of the community.