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New Publication: Growing up and Living in Democratic Families

Two of our Living Democracy Campaign team members Svetlana Lazić (Preschool Teachers Training College, Novi Sad) and Rolf Gollob (IPE Department, PHZH) have written two new handbooks for families on behalf of the Council of Europe for Serbia. The launch took place in Belgrade in October. Snežana Vuković, the representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Improvement (and also a campaign member) gave a touching opening speech in which she pointed out the importance of the two manuals for parents. She made it clear that the issue of growing up in a democratic society must have an impact on communication and living together in the family and that it is important to have a broad discourse on the topic. The head of the Council of Europe representation in Belgrade was also proud to point out that thanks to the publications, the other member countries of the Council of Europe will also have the possibility to access pragmatic, easy-to-read materials that deal with questions of everyday life together in families and help to implement the culture of democracy. The illustrations by the Serbian cartoonist and comic artist Mijat Mijatović contribute intensively to the success, as all illustrations were created in intensive discussions between the authors, the Council of Europe, the financing EU and the accompanying team.