As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, it is important that Bosnia and Herzegovina and the surrounding region also recognize the importance of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as these goals are also achieved through the content approach of the materials in a so-called implicit way.
The 2030 Agenda, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is – as everyone knows today – a global action plan aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring peace and prosperity for all. The SDGs are an important tool for education reforms in countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are candidates for EU accession.
For Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs can drive education reform in several ways.
For example:
– Promote quality education and lifelong learning: SDG 4 on quality education aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education in BiH and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. This goal can be achieved through the development of education systems that respond to the needs of individuals, communities and society as a whole.
– Promote sustainable and responsible behavior: The SDGs can help promote sustainable and responsible behavior through education. For example, SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production can be integrated into BiH curricula to encourage students to think critically about their impact on the environment and develop a more sustainable lifestyle.
– Building resilient communities: The SDGs can also contribute to building resilient communities in BiH by promoting education that addresses the challenges of climate change and other environmental issues. For example, SDG 13 on climate action can be integrated into our curricula so that students understand the causes and impacts of climate change and the role they can play in addressing it.
So, in countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina, education reform is crucial to achieving the SDGs and joining the EU. The EU attaches great importance to education and considers it an important driver for economic and social development. It is therefore crucial that countries like Bosnia and Herzegovina invest in their education systems to improve quality and access for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background.
One way to achieve this is to align education reforms with the SDGs. This means integrating sustainable development principles into education policies, programs and practices. This can include incorporating sustainable development goals into the curriculum, promoting sustainability education and investing in renewable energy and green technologies in schools.
Furthermore, education reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina must be inclusive and equitable. This means that all students, regardless of their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background, must have access to quality education. To achieve this, education reforms must be inclusive, culturally sensitive and take into account the needs of all students, including those with disabilities.
In April 2021, authorities at all relevant levels adopted the SDG Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a joint plan for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This document provides a clear vision and measurable indicators on how to achieve the SDGs.
Learn more about the document at:
In summary, the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are essential for education reform processes in countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, which are candidates for EU accession. The SDGs provide a comprehensive framework for sustainable development, including education, and are crucial for promoting quality and access for all students. By aligning its education reform processes with the SDGs, Bosnia and Herzegovina can ensure a more equitable and just future for all its citizens.