At the beginning of this unit you will find the key questions. The subsequent questions for your self-control offer a more detailed approach to different aspects of learning conditions.
2. Task and key questions for conditions of teaching and learning
Living Democracy » Textbooks » Educating for democracy » Part 2 – Teaching democracy and human rights » Unit 1 – Conditions of teaching and learning » 2. Task and key questions for conditions of teaching and learning2.1 Task
2.2 Key questions
- What knowledge and skills do the students already possess?
- What knowledge and skills do I possess?
- What external conditions must I be aware of?
- What do I know about the students as individuals?
- What elements of knowledge and information must the students command to enable them to tackle the new task ahead of them?
- Referring to the new subject matter, what (advance) information, skills and experience have the students already acquired? What is new for them, what is repetition, what is essential and what is supplementary?
- What techniques of working and learning may I expect the students to master, and what experience do they have with different teaching methods and forms of social interaction?
- What positive or negative attitudes, habits, prejudices or convictions may, or must I, expect to encounter?
- How can I overcome learning difficulties, learning barriers and resistance against learning?
- Have I adequately considered the children’s willingness to learn, their state of feelings, their responsiveness, their learning needs, their expectations, their interests, their free-time activities, and their living conditions?
- What socio-cultural conditions and influences, and what systems of support are of importance for the work in the classroom? What role do parents, brothers and sisters, peers or other people of psychological importance play?
- 2 - Work file 1: How to take students’ skills and knowledge into account
What do I know about the class? What characteristics of the class should I take into account and respond to? How do...
- 2 - Work file 2: How to take my teaching skills and knowledge into account
What general experience, skills and knowledge do I have? To what extent is my knowledge incomplete – referring to contents and subject...
- 2 - Work file 3: Considering general teaching and learning conditions
How do I account for the time of the day or year, and the disposable teaching time? How has the classroom been...
- 2 - Work file 4: What are my basic attitudes towards students?
Empathy, devotion (responsiveness to feelings, thoughts, views and needs), benevolent acceptance (personal esteem does not depend on any conditions), sincerity, stability, reliability...
- 2 - Work file 5: Rethinking discipline and order from a democratic point of view
Order is necessary under all circumstances. A group without order and basic rules cannot be democratic. Limits are necessary. Rules may be...
- 2 - Work file 6: Rethinking the teacher’s role from a democratic point of view
Teachers have to lead and accompany the class. This is their task. They have to decide on various things and also control...
- 2 - Work file 7: How to develop a democratic atmosphere in the classroom
If a teacher decides to organise the classroom more democratically this is connected with a big goal. The following table shows the...
- 2 - Work file 8: How to develop school as a democratic community
EDC/HRE and the way to a democratic atmosphere cannot only take place in the classroom but also have to be developed within...