2 – Work file 6: Rethinking the teacher’s role from a democratic point of view

Living Democracy » Textbooks » Educating for democracy » Part 2 – Teaching democracy and human rights » Unit 1 – Conditions of teaching and learning » 2. Task and key questions for conditions of teaching and learning » 2 – Work file 6: Rethinking the teacher’s role from a democratic point of view

Teachers have to lead and accompany the class. This is their task. They have to decide on various things and also control everything. What teachers should not do is to aim at also controlling thinking processes and personal development of their students. Especially in EDC/HRE, the teacher becomes a role model for his/her students. How does he/she deal with conflicts? What idea of people does he/ she promote? The following list gives a clue where one can position oneself. But it is clear, however, that according to learning situation, mood of the day, moments of danger or set-up of the group of students, etc., it can make sense to be more autocratic or to be more democratic. Generally it is important to note: my idea of a person as a teacher will leave an imprint on my daily work with the students.

Learning situation
Rather autocratic Me Rather democratic
Sharp Voice
Friendly voice
Invitation, request
Demand of
Winning over to
Imposition of tasks
Offering of ideas
Predominant mode
of criticism
Frequent punishment
Frequent support
and help
“I’m telling you!”
“Let’s talk it over.”
“I decide, you obey!”
“I make a proposal
and help you to
Sole responsibility
for the group
Shared responsibility
with and in the