I. Handouts for students – Introduction

Living Democracy » Textbooks » Growing up in democracy » Manual for students » I. Handouts for students – Introduction

Dear Students,

This is your own manual. On the following pages you will find a number of handouts for you to use in class or at home.

Your teacher will explain to you when and how to use each of the handouts, but you can also decide this for yourself if you think they would be useful.

You will have to work on your own using some of the handouts. With others, you will need to work on them together with your classmates.

Sometimes you will have to cut something out of the handouts and sometimes you will have to write or draw something on them.

Some tasks will be easy to do. Others will be more difficult and will make you think.

If you need more help or support, you can also use the toolbox at the end of this manual.

We hope that you enjoy the work and that you have lots of good ideas!