UNIT 9: Media – Media in use: I would if I could

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Unit 9: Key concept – “Media” (for primary level)

Background information for teachers: students show each other how to use media devices

As shown in the introduction to this teaching manual, education for democratic citizenship and human rights education differentiates between three competences. This unit deals with media competence, which is one of the central elements which enable people to participate both actively and passively in civil society. In order to integrate this approach properly, the three competences are listed again.

EDC/HRE competences:

Competence in political analysis and judgment

The ability to analyse and discuss political events, problems and controversial issues … .

Competence in the use of methods

The acquisition of the abilities and skills to find and absorb information, to use means and media of communication … .

Competence in democratic decision making and action

The ability to assess one’s potential (and limitations) for political participation and to make an appropriate choice of a course of action … .


The second competence in the table – “competence in the use of methods” – includes media competence as a central element. In the following unit, the main focus lies on the ability to work with existing media, to use its possibilities and to know its boundaries. In media education, four dimensions of media competence can be differentiated:

Technical media competence:

  • The ability to handle media correctly and to know about related creative opportunities.

Cultural media competence:

  • Familiarity with the media “codes” and all aesthetic and societal forms of expression. Skilled users are able to understand media codes, can perceive media statements and understand them, and can use them for other purposes.

Social media competence:

  • The ability to use the various forms of communication on offer wisely. Relationships are becom­ing more and more associated with media, including through different forms of “social software”.

Ref ective media competence:

  • The user is able to critically analyse the function of media, as well as his or her own behaviour towards the media at any given time.

The whole range of media education includes these four dimensions. The EDC/HRE perspective only touches upon some aspects of these concepts and does not replace media education. But, in connection with media education-related goals these represent essential strategies of media education. The direct connection between the technical media competence of teachers and the frequency of media use in the classroom is another reason why this unit is useful. Many teachers openly admit that they do not know exactly how to handle and work with the different types of media, or understand the possibilities for their use in class. One thing is clear, however: the more secure teachers feel in handling various media, the more often they use media in their teaching.

Both the practical media competence of the teachers and that of the students are addressed in this unit. Only once these have been addressed, does the unit focus on the use of media and the choice of a specific topic to work on.

The aim of education for democratic citizenship and human rights is to support the development of competences in three areas. This unit has the following competence profile:


Competence in …
… political analysis and judgment … the use of methods … political decision making and action
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Toolbox support
In this unit the following tools from the students’ toolbox will be used. The teacher must decide if some or all of the students need additional preparation to be able to work with these tools.
X Researching in libraries
X Researching on the Internet
0 Carrying out interviews and surveys
0 Interpreting images
X Mind maps
X Creating posters
X Holding exhibitions
X Planning and giving presentations
0 Preparing overhead transparencies or a PowerPoint presentation
0 Writing newspaper articles
0 Putting on performances
0 Holding debates

UNIT 9: Media

Media in use: I would if I could!

Students show each other how to use media devices

Lesson title Learning objectives Student tasks Resources Methods

Lesson 1:

We prepare an exhibition

The students realise that it is important to understand the technical details of media devices and to invest the necessary time for this. They prepare an exhibition of their own and the school’s devices. Using a device they are not familiar with, the students try to describe the device and the way it functions. They collect and describe different media devices and prepare a class exhibition. A media device (such as a camera, etc.), handout. Talks, group work, homework.

Lesson 2:

The power of knowledge and skills

The students realise the diversity or the limited number of media devices that they can use. They are given background information about media and how to use media by the teacher. Preparing a media exhibition in the classroom and further­ing understanding of how one specific media device works. Personal media devices, school media devices, teachers’ handouts for Unit 9, lessons 1 and 2, students’ handout. Depends on the set-up chosen by the teacher.

Lesson 3:

Presentation time!

The students become technical specialists for their chosen media device. They learn how to present prepared information. As specialists for their chosen media devices, students make presentations in groups. Media devices, individual means for making presentations. Group presentations.

Lesson 4:

We plan a media product

The technical media competence that the students have acquired will be applied. The students choose a topic and also the media devices they need. Using a democratic and participative process, (in small groups and in a plenary discussion) the class decides on the topic they will work on and the media devices they will use.

“Mind mapping” tool from the Toolbox

Handout: form to select the media devices for the chosen topic.

Group work, decision making in a plenary session.