
Portfolio to reflect the Culture of Democracy

«We do not learn from experience… we learn from reflecting on experience» wrote the American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer John Dewey in the first half of the 20th century.
Following this principle an invaluable tool was created to support the use of the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) providing learners with the opportunity to reflect on their competences. Two versions of a portfolio were developed: one for younger learners, that is, children up to approximately the age of 10-11 years; and a standard version, for learners from approximately 10-11 years upwards. Each version is accompanied by a guide for teachers.
The portfolio gives the opportunity to the learners to collect data and documents which support and stimulate their reflections, and to think about how they will further develop their competences in the future across a wide range of contexts within and beyond the classroom. As citizenship is not an innate given but rather a cultivated quality practice is necessary. Thus, the portfolio encourages learners to document experiences and competences mobilised outside schools, for example in non-formal education and in interactions with family members, peers, neighbours, other people in the neighbourhood and elsewhere, and online.
The portfolio also provides evidence about how a learner’s proficiency in the use of their competences is developing. Users of the portfolio can thus assess their own progress and identify where and how they can improve. The evidence can also be used by teachers and others to assess the progress of learners in achieving proficiency and to advise and help them in the use of their democratic and intercultural competences.
Explore the possibilities offered and why not try piloting its use with your students!

Link for the standard version:

For young learners:

Please contact us if you are interested in portfolio trainings with IPE.