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It is not very useful to force a conversation based on an emotion, as it would probably end up with reproaches and a fight. Similarly, it is not advisable to try to engage your drunk or intoxicated daughter in a conversation. In such a moment, it is best to share your worries with your daughter and to postpone a more in-depth discussion for later on. Send an I-Message, which might sound something like this:
«You are in an intoxicated state, and this worries me. However, now is not the time to discuss this.»
Threats, which cannot be implemented (as in this example), or accusations may cause your daughter to become all the more obstinate and to withdraw into herself. Most probably she will not want to talk openly with you.
It is therefore well-worth to wait until the emotions have somewhat subsided to begin a deliberate discussion.

Tips for a constructive conversation can be found here here