Teenagers are completely at home in the world of social media (Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram etc.). They have been socialized with media (books, films, newspapers, television, internet…) since their early childhood years. Schools use E-learning as part of their curriculum and equip students with tablets and computers. The digital revolution moves forward so quickly that generations of parents feel completely helpless and overwhelmed.
Media shape identity and gender identity; they inform and manipulate, and global networks penetrate our private sphere. Many parents are sceptical and take a critical view of these developments.
Teenagers are constantly communicating online while, paradoxically, communication with their parents is increasingly marginalized or, in the worst case, has ceased to exist.
So how is it possible to educate teenagers about the risks, as well as the opportunities, that the media offers, and to guide them in the responsible use of media? We have put together for you a selection of tips, strategies and useful information applicable to the following key terms:
Further information:
Information portal for promoting media competence (Languages: German, French and Italian)
Media guide for families. Provides information about the risks and possibilities of media use with tips for media education (Languages: German and Turkish)
«Golden Rules» The most important tips for the safe use of digital media (in 16 languages)
„Talking with kids about using media” is based on the following references:
1 Informationsportal «Jugend und Medien». Medientagebuch. retrieved 05.06.2018.
2 Landesanstalt für Medien NRW. Mediennutzungsvertrag. retrieved 20.03.2019.
3 Fritz, Bianca. 2014. «Mustervertrag für das eigene Smartphone» Das Schweizer Elternmagazin Fritz und Fränzi, Dezember, 69.
4 Initiative «SCHAU HIN! Was Dein Kind mit Medien macht». Cybermobbing: Das verbirgt sich hinter den Begriff. retrieved 20.03.2019.
5 Informationsportal «Jugend und Medien». Internet und Computerspiele können süchtig machen. retrieved 22.03.2019.
6 Informationsportal «Jugend und Medien». Gewalt im Netz. retrieved 05.06.2018
7 Informationsportal «Jugend und Medien». Sexualität und Pornografie im Netz. retrieved 22.03.2019.
Fritz, Bianca. 2014. «Smart mit dem ersten eigenen Smartphone» Das Schweizer Elternmagazin Fritz und Fränzi, Dezember, 66-69.
Informationsportal «Jugend und Medien». Jugendschutz. Tipps und Hinweise für Eltern. retrieved 05.06.2018.
Initiative «SCHAU HIN! Was Dein Kind mit Medien macht». Papa, leg das Handy weg! Eltern als Vorbild. retrieved 20.03.2019
Initiative «SCHAU HIN! Was Dein Kind mit Medien macht». 2018. Regeln finden zwischen Helikoptereltern und Handysucht. retrieved 20.03.2019.